Gluten Free | Travel

Great Superfoods for #Travel

Superfoods and Travel

When you are on the road and travelling, it is a change from your daily routine and sometimes we don’t eat the foods that we should – many travellers tend to eat high calorie, high fat foods while away.  While it is wonderful to explore different foods, we still need to make sure that they are healthy for us and will give us the energy we need while on the road.

Sitting for long hours on planes, buses or in cars can also take its toll, so make sure to get some daily exercise in – if you are touring around and exploring – walk whenever possible, it is the best way to see the cities!  If you are away on business, try to find a hotel that has a gym and  workout daily.

Whenever possible pack your own snacks so you always have some healthy choices to fall back on. I also like to travel with protein packs that I can add to my liquids to make sure I am getting enough protein daily. Great to have if you are on the go all day. Take a look at the list below compiled by SwissHotel of some great superfoods that you can add to your diet while away and at home to give you the extra boost you may need.

But above all – make sure you keep hydrated – it doesn’t take very much to get dehydrated and can lead to muscle cramps, fatigue, headaches and reduced concentration.


Best Superfood for Travellers
Produced by Swissotel Hotels & Resorts


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  1. What an attractive graphic. We’ve been increasing our water intake over the past few months in warmer climates. So essential, and things can get out of hand quickly when you’re dehydrated.

    1. So true Betsy, and it can keep you from getting the most out of the travel experience!

  2. Excellent.I’m just gluten sensitive so this is helpful. Love the graphic and will share. Packing protein, nuts for me, is essential. I hate getting hungry and being stuck with something I would never eat otherwise.

    1. Packing protein is always a good thing 🙂 It really helps to pack extra in case you get bumped from a flight as well, and there is nothing available at the airport ( has happened to me before).

  3. Great post. By paying closer attention to what we put in our bodies while we travel, it can make a HUGE difference. Thank you for the reminder! I always pack my own snacks!

    1. Yes Suzanne, makes a huge difference! 🙂

  4. That’s a fantastic graphic by swissotels- I just did a news item promoting their activity guides for 55+ magazine. They must be at the forefront of developing wellness tools for their guests.

    1. I must take a look – they have do have some great tools!

    1. Sorry, Carole – it takes a bit of time to load :/

  5. How nice that Swisshotel provided this guide. Is it available in each of their rooms? I’m reading my pal Dan Buettner’s new book: The Blue Zone Solution. You’d enjoy it, and it includes recipes. Recommended!

    1. HI Kristin – not sure if available in their rooms- they do have some great resources on their website 🙂

    1. Yes, your are right – good anytime! 🙂 We should always strive to eat as healthy as we can!

    1. Hehe…that depends on the street food. 🙂

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