Holidays | Reviews | Uncategorized

Earth’s Own Noel Nog, a gluten-free treat for the holidays.

This time of year always brings with it certain traditions for us.  Decorating the house, baking cookies, holiday get- togethers and decorating  the Christmas tree.  Another tradition that we started a long time ago [mainly because my daughter was a picky eater and ate very little when she was much younger] was buying eggnog as […]

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Gluten Free | Shopping | Uncategorized

Enjoy Life Granola

This week I had the lovely surprise of receiving Enjoy Life’s new Chocolate Crunch Granola along with a package of chocolate mega chunks in the mail.  Both are Gluten free as well as free of tree nuts, peanuts, milk and soy.  They contain no artificial ingredients, trans fats or Genetically Modified Ingredients – so they […]

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